
Dear all,

I am pleased to be exhibiting Mystery Street at the International Center of Photography in New York, from September 29th 2023 to January 8th 2024. Immersion: Gregory Halpern, Raymond Meeks, and Vasantha Yogananthan is an exhibition showcasing three projects created by the artists during their respective residencies—Halpern’s in Guadeloupe, Meeks’s in France and myself in New Orleans.

Also opening from September 29th until October 22th 2023 is the collective exhibition of the Prix Pictet at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, with the winner to be announced the previous day. On September 28th, I will take part in a panel discussion along with Gauri Gill, Yael Martinez and Vanessa Winship, moderated by Catherine Troiano, Curator of Photography at the V&A. The event is free and open to all, booking is available here.

Last but not least, the book Mystery Street is available from Chose Commune. Chose Commune has found a way to make shipping costs considerably cheaper for friends and colleagues in the US and the UK.

All the best,