
Dear all,

I hope you and your close ones are safe.

In these strange times, I am humbly sharing a link to my new website featuring new and unpublished works, including Sounds of Silence — an ongoing project in Ladakh; Fleuve Fauve — a series along the Loire river in 2016-2017 within the framework of an art residency at The Maison Julien Gracq in France; and Embrace — a special project for Japanese fashion brand Mame Kurogouchi in response to their Spring/Summer 2020 collection.

You may have read in the news that Covid-19 is hitting India’s most fragile population. I am happy to take part in Prints for India, a project initiated by photographers who have come together to donate a print. All funds will go towards the NGO Goonj who is working tirelessly to provide support to the migrant workers. Do take a look, a wide-range of prints are available and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, my next book Afterlife will be published in September 2020 by Chose Commune. The pre-orders will start in June, I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Stay safe,
All the best,